Thursday, February 11, 2010

Welcome Back

Dear Class,

Welcome to the Spring semester. And, if you can believe it, the semester that goes the quickest. Before you know it the humidity of summer will return and your first year is over! Jake and I congratulate you and welcome you back. :)

How were each of your break's? Any good stories? I hope you each took time to be with family and to relax. :)

Each of you are registered in FYM 102 for the semester. This course is an abridged version of the fall. That being said, if you keep up with communication and complete the sparse assignments, each of you will pass with flying colors! There are some assignments which are due throughout the semester. I hope you each put some time and effort into completing them.

For the time being, I need you each to confirm your registration with Blackboard - specifically with this course. If you are having any complications, please email me or Jake. That's it for now; Jake and I will be emailing the course syllabus early next week.

One last update: I recently moved to Colorado. I now work at Colorado School of Mines as Coordinator of Student Academic Services. That being said, I am no longer a New Yorker. Marymount has been gracious as to extend the teaching position through the spring because of the nature of the course (internet and email). Nonetheless, if I can ever be of assistance to you, never hesitate to ask. I will always help as best I can - even from Colorado. :)

The picture above is where I work. :)

Colin A. Terry

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